Industrial Engineering Management (IEM):
We, the ‘ technologies’ as a team are committed to support and manage Industrial Engineering by steering Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Specialised Engineering, Specialised Inspection, Installation & Commissioning to satisfy the present National & International requisiteness.
An effective Industrial Engineering Management will result in:
- On time & positive communication
- Mutual Reliability & trust built up
- Timely execution of the tasks
- Improved work environment & productivity
- Positive Quality Consciousness
- Total Customer Satisfaction (TCS), as an end-of-the day outcome
Environmental Management System (EMS):
“ tech” intend to have a very close focus on an ISO 14001 environmental management system (EMS) is a structured system designed to help organizations manage their environmental impacts and improve environmental performance caused by their products, services and activities. An environmental management system provides structure to environmental management and covers areas such as training, record management, inspections, objectives and policies. EMS enforcement in any organization will result in;
- Improved Awareness about an environment
- Improved Nature friendly atmosphere
- Improved Personnel / staff health
- Improved non absenteeism
- Improved productivity
- Improved customer satisfaction
Quality Management System (QMS):
A system which comprises a set of co-ordinated activities to facilitate directing and controlling an organization with regard to Quality.
“ tech” adopts ‘PDCA’ cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act) & ‘Risk-based thinking’ as per ISO 9000 & 9001-2015 to implement QMS in any organization which results in;
- Improved business planning
- Greater quality awareness throughout the organization
- Improved communication
- Higher customer satisfaction
- Reduced costs of non-quality
International Organization for Standardization (ISO):
“ tech” understood from a mentor that the word ISO stands for ‘equal’
“ tech” adopts ‘PERC’ (Plan-Execute-Report-Closeout) policy to assess any organization as per ISO 9000 & 9001-2015 for ISO compliance which shall results in;
- Improved business
- Greater & Confident output Quality
- Greater international market exposure
- Greater Customer satisfaction
- Great future for the organization
Asset Integrity & Management (AIM):
team technologies are well versed in supporting implementation of an Asset Integrity Management (AIM) which is a comprehensive approach to ensuring that assets, such as power plants, oil rigs, refineries, and pipelines, can perform their required functions effectively and efficiently throughout their entire lifecycle. The goal is to maintain the integrity of these assets while ensuring compliance with health, safety, and environmental regulations by ensuring;
- Lifecycle Management: AIM covers the entire lifecycle of an asset, from design and
construction to operation and decommissioning.
- Safety and Compliance: Ensuring that assets operate safely and in compliance with relevant
regulations is a top priority.
- Maintenance and Inspection: Regular maintenance and inspections are conducted to identify
and address potential issues before they lead to failures.
- Risk Management: AIM involves assessing and managing risks to minimize the likelihood and
impact of asset failures.
- Cost Efficiency: By maintaining asset integrity, organizations can reduce unplanned downtime
and extend the operational life of assets, leading to cost savings.
Inspection Management System (IMS):
“ tech” understand that IMS is a vital part of QMS as this system focusing exclusively for ‘Inspection’
“ tech” adopts ‘5Q policy’ in Managing any Inspection Methodology in any organization in-line with national & international requisiteness.
- What to do?
- Where to do?
- When to do?
- How to do?
- Howmuch to do?
Project Management (PM):
“ tech” adopts a policy of ‘SWOT’ (Strength-Weakness-Opportunity-Threat) to analyze any Project to facilitate achieving the Project objectives in & on time.
Risk Based Inspection (RBI):
A Specialised & proved to be successful Inspection Methodology is Risk Based Inspection (RBI)
We intend to support Risk Based Inspection of Fixed Equipment & Piping in Power Stations, Oil & Gas industry in and around the globe in order to maintain an effective Mechanical Integrity of the Equipment.
We can provide Interim Data Base (IDB), CML Sheets (Condition Monitoring Locations), IP (Inspection Point) marking, Piping Circuitisation & Isometric Preparation with vulnerable Locations marked, Defining Locations to facilitate effective Risk Based Inspection either Qualitative and (or) semi quantitative risk analysis in guidance with API-580, API-581 & API-584
Quality Assurance (QA):
Assuring Quality – NOT only in the finished Product. But, in each & every steps for assuring Quality every time round the clock.
Third Party Inspection (TPI):
Quality Assurance & Quality Control, Quality Audit, TQM (Total Quality Management)
Integrity Operating Window (IOW):
Assessment & Formulation of IOW to facilitate effective Process Safety Management.
Non Conformance Report (NCR):
“ tech” adopts a stringent policy to identify the areas where a non-fulfilment of a requirement occurs as per ISO 9001-2015, Clause 8.7 by focusing an Organization & or Interested Parties.
Corrective Action Report (CAR):
“ tech” adopts a policy of assessing NCR in-line with the National & International requisiteness to formulate a set of Corrective Action Measures to facilitate correction of the non-conformity.
“ tech” further assures prevention of recurrence of the NCR state by doing detailed Root Cause Analysis (RCA).
“ tech” adopts a ‘5M’ (Man-Machine-Material-Method-Monitoring & Measurement) policy in any consultation for the successful support & execution of core activities.
Root Cause Analysis (RCA):
Root Cause Analysis (RCA) for the system / event Failures in order to facilitate reinstating operation.
Job Hazard Analysis (JHA):
Analyzing the Overall process in terms of Job nature, work force involvement, tools & consumables statistics and the Job environment in order to identify the Potential of Hazards before they occur. It’s also known as Job Safety Analysis (JSA) which is in general an essential requirement of PTW (Permit To Work) system as per OSHA-3071 (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)
Fitness for Service (FfS):
Assessment of an equipment which are proved to be damaged in service, to reassess the Service compatibility.
Internal Audit (IA):
ISO Internal Audit (IA), Quality audits.
Failure Analysis (FA):
Detailed analyses of Failures to assess & identify cause of Failure which facilitates reassessment of Operational sequence to avoid subsequent failures.
Reports, Drawings & Dossier preparation for the various set of mechanical activities.
Analysis & Testing:
Chemical & Mechanical testing, Positive Material Identification (PMI), Destructive & Non Destructive Examination.
Research & Development wing (“ tech” R&D):
“ tech” have a faith on Research & Development activities which is basically a part of continual improvement. Only R&D can provide a road for a new inventions & an opportunity for an improvement.
Measurement & Calibration:
Various Measuring Instruments, Welding Equipment & accessories, NDE equipment, etc.,
“ tech” Soft Support (SSS):
“ tech” adopts a policy of ‘No 2 Piracy’ by providing, maintaining & updating the following in a competitive pricing schedule.
- a genuine professional software/s to any organization to facilitate ease of operation in any grounds.
- an official codes, standards, procedures, work instruction guidelines will be provided. technologies
SF. No: 314/1B2, Puthur Road,
Kandipedu Village,
(via) Vellore Co-Op. sugar mill,
Katpadi taluk. Vellore District
PINCODE: 632115
The Republic of INDIA
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